Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.....
If ever there were a movie to get me out of my retirement, due to work commitments, not my absolute love of movies..it is this one..well actually it could have been a few others as well, but let's stick with this one for now..
After much hype, Quentin Tarantino's 9th and dear god I hope not penultimate movie has arrived...and what a move it is. Set in the late 1960's in Hollywood (where else) this is the story of many people, but mainly fictional TV Cowboy actor Rick Dalton (Leonardo DiCaprio) and his best friend and stunt man, Cliff Booth (Brad Pitt), and if those two aren't enough to get bums on seats throw in the divine Margot Robbie as the late actor Sharon Tate just for good measure.
This is a meandering tale, much more gentle in many ways than other Tarantino movies. I went back a second time to see it because I knew I had just missed too much the first time, mainly due to anticipation of the plot. Rick lives next door to Sharon and her director husband Roman Polanski, who is the latest hot director after Rosemary's Baby. Rick is beginning to feel like a 'has been', he lost his TV show 'Bounty Hunter' because he wanted to pursue a movie career that didn't take off, and Cliff, well Cliff is just happy to drive Rick around since he lost his license, do odd jobs and hang out with his buddy. It is set specifically in 1969, a year notorious in Hollywood for the horrific crime of the murder of an 8 month's pregnant Sharon Tate and three of her friends by the so-called Manson Family, engineered by Charles Manson.
To say too much would be taking away so much of the joy of this film.
It is much less violent than other Tarantino films, though don't worry fans when it comes it's as bloody as anything that has come before..and less verbose to some extent. Other critics have called it a love letter and that seems an appropriate title. It's still incredibly funny as you would expect.
Leo is, as always flawless in his role of the narcissistic, fragile, egotistical and vulnerable Rick, his piercing blue eyes welling up regularly when considering his career and needing constant boosting from his best friend Cliff. It's also wonderful to see him exercising his considerable comedy chops, he is truly hilarious in some scenes and his advertisement in the credits of a long running Tarantino brand is a hoot. Brad Pitt as the laconic, cool and capable Cliff is a revelation.. lurking beneath his gentle and very sweet-natured exterior is a solid steel foundation..I loved that he declined the understandable offers of carnal knowledge from a very beautiful, very underage young girl..I don't care if it was because he didn't want to go to prison, he still said no! There are some incredible scenes, his encounter with Bruce Lee one of many standout moments, as is his ability to not only pull of double denim in the first scene, but double WHITE denim in the final one..legend of the thrall indeed...
Margot Robbie had a very hard role, playing an extremely tragic character could have gone either way, but she pulls it off with absolute aplomb and nails the optimism of a woman who's career is rising with the uncertainty of new motherhood beautifully.
The relationship between Rick and Cliff is central and crucial and seeing these two together really begs the question, why on earth haven't they worked together before? Their chemistry is nothing short of magical and I would have loved to have seen more of them together, hanging out watching Rick's latest guest starring roles..
The whole films weaves in and out of these people's lives, adding new characters and old favourites, some for only a scene..Al Pacino's understated turn as Rick's agent reminds us of how superb he can be when he's not being shouty..my tip is Brandy for best supporting actor in a female role..
I have always thought of Quentin Tarantino as a real romantic and this movie does nothing to sway me from this view. His love of movies, TV, music, culture and Hollywood are very real in this film, but also his love of people and redemption as well..
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood..the ultimate fairy tale..10/10.
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Ok, full disclosure, Jake Gyllenhaal is one of my all time favourites, not only do I believe he's quite gorgeous (as I'm sure he would me should our paths ever cross), but I also think him a wonderful and versatile actor, but as a true professional I have reviewed this movie as objectively as is possible...
Nightcrawler is a fascinating film, the story of a ghostly Louis Bloom (Gyllenhaal) who scrapes a living in the shadows by dubious means. The first scene he is caught stealing wire fences and tries to bag a job with the man he sells the stolen goods to, he's a slick negotiater from the start but is told flatly 'I don't hire thieves'. Undeterred he stumbles across an accident on the way home and sees Joe Loder (Bill Paxton) videoing the police pulling a woman from her vehicle, after questioning him, it turns out that Joe is a 'nighcrawler' who arrives ASAP to crime scenes and sells the footage to news channels. Louis' mind is ticking over through those huge unblinking baby blues..So he sets up, after selling a stolen bike, his 'company' and begins his own internship in the murky world of nightcrawlers. To do this he hires a homeless uncertain guy named Rick whom he pays $30 a night after a lengthy discussion to navigate and keep watch the car whilst Louis is filming. Gaining his first newsworthy footage he takes the film to Nina (Rene Russo, it's been too long) the night editor of a news channel and is given his first pay check. Nina is definite about the type of film she wants to increase the ratings, bad things done to white middle class people by minority groups, "if it bleeds it leads". Louis takes this challenge very seriously and sets out to get the best footage by any means necessary with great success,knocking back Joe Loder's offer of him running a second van for him to continue freelancing. This ambitious sociopath, trained by the internet, chants self help management forum mantras, and just when you feel he's tipped over to the wrong side of sane...he smiles and you forgive him for a moment, at your peril. Soon enough he's pressuring Nina for a date, when she succumbs as a 'professional courtesy' he embarks on his own special brand of seduction bordering on blackmail, he wants her and by god he's going to have her..if he doesn't he can always take his films elsewhere, and haven't her ratings gone up recently and where can she go from being a night editor on the lowest rated news channel if he doesn't get her the footage she needs? Louis justifies all his actions by stating that everyone has the choice to decide what they do, and to a certain extent he's right. He delivers the thinly veiled threats in his sing song patter, bordering on psychopathic but never over the top..Don't feel sorry for Nina for too long, scratch the surface and another Louis is lurking just underneath. There are a couple of people who are not morally bankrupt, Rick is surprisingly sensitive and Frank who works at the news channel both attempt to be somewhat moral compasses, but to no avail. Nina and Louis railroad everything and everyone to climb the greasy career pole. The film culminates in a house invasion turned multiple shooting that Louis arrives at before the police and films the grisly footage, but it's what he does with his knowledge of the perpetrators that makes the lines of reality and fiction blur so goulishly, does Louis somehow believe he is directing his own movie?
This film is a dark,satirical swirling mass of steamy LA nights, humour as black as tar and blind, unrelenting ambition and Jake is a revelation as Louis. Initially completely out of synch with the world around him, he slowly realises if he is to realise his dream of owning his own production company he must relax when people call him 'Louie' instead of Louis. Like a starved vulture he watches people's every move..what ties they wear, how they react in situations and attempts to blind them with his business babble, generally very successfully, because Gyllenhaal manages to balance Louis with just enough charm to weigh up his freakishness, never crossing the line to an unbelievable character. His tirade to Nina when he realises the shift of power is in his favour, demanding the news anchors quote his deluded business name during the running of his films and the blink and you miss it reference to her meeting his bedroom demands reveals that she does indeed dance with the devil. Close to the end of the film, there is a scene where he brings Nina the murder scene footage..they are feet apart, ever drawing closer as he discloses what he has caught on film, explaining he made her wait because he wanted to increase his bargaining power, there is an uncomfortable eroticism that makes you feel that he's not just talking about his films...Thin, haunted, hunted, self assured, full to the brim with throwaway quotes, confidence and swagger, Louis is one of the ultimate anti-heroes..It's great to see Rene Russo on screen again, a shame it's because her husband is the director, she deserves much more airtime than that. Nevertheless it's good to see her sensuous brand of desperation and last taste of youth mixed with the flattery and disgust of this younger man's attentions that can help her scrabble her way once more to the top..
Nightcrawler...creeps up the back of your neck and makes your heart thump a little faster - 8.5/10
Bill Paxton,
If it bleeds,
it leads.,
Jake Gyllenhaal,
Rene Russo
Love, Rosie
Anyone who has never visited the UK, but has seen 'Love Actually', 'Notting Hill', the abysmal 'Four Weddings' and now the equally twee 'Love, Rosie' would get off the plane at Heathrow and expect to be met by a handsome blundering blustering fool, a pretty, quirky ingenue with pigeon toes, their respective families all in hand knitted jumpers and best friends who were either ugly and funny, gay and funny or hair dyed pink, crazy clothes...and funny. Granted, the British have a great sense of humour, but we don't all spin off witty repartee at the drop of a hat or use the 'f' word in every sentence, well most don't. It's almost the same as if you only know Australia from films, you would think that everyone lived in the '70s, were bordering on manic depression and all dealt drugs...hang on a minute....
Anyway back to 'Love, Rosie' here we go....Rosie (a luminous Lily Collins, how could the bald pated drummer Phil have produced such a beauty?) and Alex (Sam Grant..sorry, Claflin, handsome, floppy haired..crooked smile) have been bestest friends since they were little. Now they're almost grown up and share a drunken kiss on Rosie's 18th birthday, only Rosie doesn't remember and Alex is too spineless to tell her..so they go to their school leaving party with other people to spite each other and so the tedium begins...Alex gets a scholarship to Harvard Medical School which is amazing considering it's a graduate school.Rosie is supposed to go with her bestie to study hotel managment but gets a condom stuck up her snapper on her first shag and has to stay in good old Blighty to raise the product of this dangerous liaison whilst Alex oblivious to it all is in Boston living it up with...yes his ugly funny mate with a gorgeous neurotic sister that he ends up with after finally twigging why Rosie never got on the plane two weeks after him...so they almost get together about twenty five times until it gets so irritating that you wish they just forgot who each other were and got on with their very English lives...the life decisions the pair of them make are enough to make you seriously doubt the entry level for admission to Med school.Rosie's mate, yes the one with the red hair who's..funny (Ray Winstone's daughter, nepotism anyone?) tries to sort her out a few times, but even she gives up, all the while Rosie's brat grows older almost than Rosie and gets an Alex of her own...how very claustraphobic...I won't give the ending away...but I'm sure you all know where it's going..going..gone and to be honest, you just breathe a sigh of relief at the end. There's no romance you just hope and pray that they're smart enough to take their clothes off before they finally go for it..
The problem with this film is it's just really lazy. The acting is actually pretty good. The script is pretty abysmal but the premise is one that we all love, boy meets girl, takes a while to get there but eventually does, everyone's happy..but this one is just so drawn out and ridiculous that it's just not worth the bother.
Love, Rosie...Just, Lazy. 3/10.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Kim and Kanye….
Ok, I understand that this is not a review of a movie. I just feel utterly compelled to rant!
This is a review of course of the song and video that is causing such a buzz…Bound 2 by Kanye West….
Oh, where to begin?
The video perhaps…
It's basically real life scenes of really really bad paintings of horses running, the ocean and mountains, the kind of thing your nan would have hanging over the fireplace interspersed with a very serious Mr West pouting and either moving with what one can only assume is a very nasty tic, riding a motor bike..(look mum no hands!) and/or (shock horror!) shagging his well advertised squeeze, the voluptuously vapid Kim Kardashian she of the huge boobs and very tiny waist, as all good D listers should have after just giving birth to a child.
Much has been said about the sexual content, Kimmy is seen laying back bored as a viewer with an IQ in double digits is when watching one of her reality shows, jiggling very slightly on the motor bike (I think it's a Vespa but I don't really know my bikes so don't quote me). The jiggling or possibly quivering is supposed to insinuate that she is having sex with Kanye, she is seen in various positions and her face I believe is supposed to portray some kind of plastic ecstasy.. one can only imagine really because her lovely surgeon chiselled features never move, even with the mechanical quivering. Whilst Kimmy is a-jiggling, Kanye is getting down to the serious business of either simulating giving her a right good seeing to or nuzzling into her neck shouting 'Bound!' loudly, seriously, has he been checked out for Tourettes? or sneering at the camera with all the venom of my six year old son in full tantrum mode.. My point to this is there is NO sexual content….its about as sexy as watching my 76 year old Dad twerk….but slightly more cringeworthy. It's no shock that these two have sex, they do have a baby, the ridiculously named 'North' whose career is stretched out before her before she can even sleep through the night poor little mite. It's hardly front page news….Kim and Kanye have sex!!! The shock is that they are happy to portray their sex life as about as exciting as what I was doing yesterday….cleaning out the gutters…although to be honest, I was listening to the mighty Silverchair, so my activities yesterday were infinitely more stimulating than Kim and Kanye getting it on on the vespa trying to avoid the horse poo and hurricanes that were blowing the day they decided to shoot.
My main issue is with the lyrical content of this utter dross. Some people have been outraged that Kim's waist has been whittled down to the size of a small chipolata (no offence Kanye), but no where have I read any protest about what utter bile the lyrics are…
they are so bad that honestly I can't write any of the lines in full here…
They are filled with either the highly imaginative words 'bitches' or 'hoes' and he does actually refer to his best beloved, the mother of his child as a bitch too. He also refers to what he would like to do to her on the kitchen sink..hope the dishes have been done first..and would desperately like his one and only to supply him with some extra ladies to shag for his birthday.. I can see why because he exerts so little energy he would have plenty left over for other lucky ladeeezzz. He frequently uses the 'n' word.. if it has a on the end instead of er is it still as offensive?!! I know that this word has been 'reclaimed' by some members of the black community, but I still have the right to be utterly offended just as I am by the words chinky, red indian and wop…I don't have to be Chinese, Native American or Italian to know that these words are heinous.
Kanye West is an idiot so bloated with his own sense of self importance, he's carrying half of it in his little chipmunk cheeks..he is revered by celebrities, 'A' Listers even that are condoning the use of the words and derogatory lyrics about women. This man has a daughter for God's sake. Everyone just stands by and applauds…and he has the full endorsement of another equally talented high profile 'celebrity' his lady love Kim..how could she sell her daughter out, or herself for that matter? What are these two thinking? They are teaching little East that it's ok for her to be referred to as a hoe and a bitch, and it's fine for her fame hungry mum to be seen naked and being shagged by her humourless talentless father while he's fully clothed and calling her a bitch…she will of course love these two highly unlovable creations and will think that their word is God…my heart bleeds for her and for all this generation to have clowns like these two to look up to…
This brings me to the genius parody performed by the very talented James Franco and Seth Rogen..Bound 3…it is fabulous and to be honest, the more I think about it, it's a quite a philosophical work of art…we crack up at James' scowling face and postulating nonsense and adore the sensuality of Mr Rogen's hirsute back whilst he coyly makes love to the camera, but they are just copying the original video WORD FOR WORD..SHOT BY SHOT. That's it..so why should we take one seriously and one not?
It's a sad statement of the world we live in..shame on us all..but for the record..even the brain drains Kim and Kanye know who I'd rather share a Vespa with...
Bound 2…Bound to make you ashamed of the celebrity adulation gone crazy 0/10..Bound 3 helps to restore your faith in humanity..a little. 10/10...
Bound 2,
Bound 3,
James Franco,
Kanye West,
Kim Kardashian,
North West,
Seth Rogen
Friday, May 31, 2013
The Great Gatsby

Monday, March 25, 2013

Friday, March 8, 2013
Cloud Atlas

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